Getting to Know Inclusions

Posted by Sara Guerrero on

Intro to Inclusions

One of our favorite things about natural gemstones is that each one is completely unique. No two stones will ever be the same, no matter how alike they may appear on the surface. In fact, each stone contains a world of its own, much like the special stories each of our clients have. We love that a gemstone can be a beautiful reflection of your own complexity and individuality. 

As stones form over thousands, if not millions, of years, they develop different inclusions, which are trace elements within the stone that make it truly one of a kind. These inclusions act as a sort of fingerprint, vital in the process of grading stones and in identifying one from another. Here, we will explore some common types of inclusions – and why we always celebrate them. 

Keeping It Natural 

Inclusions occur more often in natural stones compared to synthetic stones. However, certain inclusions in lab-developed gems are the specific result of their growth process, therefore serving as a way to distinguish a synthetic gem from a natural one. The inclusions in natural stones also relay important details about them; the presence of specific materials in a stone can indicate where and when it was formed. This is what makes these naturally-occurring inclusions so special. They help tell the story of every single stone, a story that begins long before a stone finds its way to a Kasia Jewelry design. Keeping nature’s lingering touch present in every piece. 

Types of Inclusions

There are four main types of inclusions commonly found in stones. They not only help to determine key facts about the stone, but also help craft its unique identity – which is then thoughtfully highlighted through specific Kasia Jewelry designs. 


Among the primary types of inclusions in diamonds and colored stones are needles, which appear like long, thin rods under standard magnification. These rods are actually crystals made up of a mineral other than that of the stone, formed along with the stone itself. Most needle inclusions are much too small to see without a microscope, but still set a stone apart and help distinguish one stone from another. 


Clouds are another type of inclusion, formed by many clustered needles or pin-points, which are crystals in the form of tiny dots. These clouds can look like a small hazy patch in the stone, creating a unique and striking visual effect. Cloud inclusions can occur in a wide variety of natural stones. 

One of our favorite examples of a beautifully cloud-included stone is the salt-and-pepper diamond. This special diamond gets its name from the black carbon inclusions and unique characteristics it holds. These speckles can be sparse, leaving areas of clear stone; dense, with a dark and stormy appearance; or anywhere between. We love featuring salt and pepper stones in our designs for their endless uniqueness and captivating complexity. If you’re seeking a stone as one-of-a-kind and captivating as your story, consider a salt and pepper center stone. 


Another inclusion that occurs regularly is fluid. Fluid inclusions consist of liquid or gas that became encapsulated within the formation of the stone as it developed. These inclusions can sometimes take on fantastical shapes within the stone; microphotography of fluid inclusions even produces beautiful pieces of art. Some stones even contain little bubbles of water or air, perfectly preserving a piece of the earth from millions, if not billions of years ago. 


Finally, crystal inclusions are highly common within stones. While needle and cloud inclusions are technically crystals as well, the term applies to crystals of more apparent and irregular shape. These inclusions are almost as if a microscopic gem was contained within the stone. Emeralds, a commonly included stone, often contain pyrite crystals. These appear as small, dark prisms within the emerald, creating a complex interior world. Crystal inclusions give each stone its own special look. 

Imperfectly Perfect 

Diamonds have a unique relationship with inclusions because, more than any other stone, they are graded based on their clarity – their lack of inclusions. Clarity is one of the 4C’s used to determine a diamond’s value. However, a diamond that is truly without inclusions is extremely rare. The majority of diamonds used in jewelry are considered “‘eye clean,” which means their inclusions aren’t visible to the naked eye and therefore don’t impact the appearance of the diamond. When grading a stone with a microscope, though, a gemologist sees any inclusions and makes a diagram of the interior of the stone. Just like a fingerprint, this chart means that the diamond is completely unique and can always be identified. 

Inclusions are often what gives a colored stone its beautiful appearance. We’ve mentioned emeralds and salt-and-pepper diamonds, but there is a wide variety of stones whose own inclusions greatly enhance their allure. 

For example, inclusions are also what give rubies and sapphires their color! Both stones consist of a mineral known as corundum. The presence of chromium inclusions in the corundum creates a red hue - such stones are categorized as rubies. Any other inclusion and the stone is considered a sapphire, prized especially in its classic deep blue or in vibrant pink. 

Whether you choose a diamond or a colored stone, the inclusions that your gem contains are an integral part of its identity. Visible inclusions enhance a stone’s complex beauty; the ones too small to be seen are an important part of what makes your stone completely unique. 

One-of-a-Kind, Every Time

There is an infinite variety of inclusions that can be seen in stones. Every gemstone has a different quantity and prominence of inclusions, something that is taken into account when selecting a piece for Kasia Jewelry. We champion this variety and are endlessly inspired by the range of beauty in these nature-made stones. Our collection features gems that are as perfectly individual as their wearers, stones through which nature tells its long and beautiful story. With a Kasia Jewelry piece, you get to create your own story. 

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